
发布:科技处 2024-07-03 阅读:69

应bat365官网地球科学与资源学院构造地质和岩石矿物教研室的邀请,英国卡迪夫大学David Buchs博士将来bat365官网进行学术交流,并在“岩石圈构造与地球动力学研讨会”作学术报告。


题目:Volcaniclastic insight into the formation of intraplate oceanic volcanoes




报告人简介:David Buchs 博士就职于英国卡迪夫大学。他专注于火山沉积过程的研究,并通过野外地质学和地球化学相结合的方法,研究从海底到陆地火山系统的形成和演化。他的研究兴趣主要包括巴拿马地峡的形成、增生杂岩中保存的火山序列以及火山碎屑沉积物的来源分析。在Geology、EPSL、Tectonophysics、G-cubed等期刊以第一作者/通讯作者身份发表10余篇。


报告内容简介:Volcanic seamounts are one of the most common but least studied geological features on Earth. Although there are millions of seamounts in the oceans, their study is limited by difficulties to survey and sample the ocean floor. Thus, the volcanic and geological evolution of submarine volcanoes remain poorly documented, and constraints on the formation of ocean volcanoes is still very limited. This talk will discuss the formation of intraplate oceanic volcanoes by presenting results from recent International Ocean Discovery Programme (IODP) expeditions that drilled Louisville seamounts (South Pacific) and Walvis Ridge (South Atlantic). Lithofacies and geochemical analyses of cores retrieved from the summit and foot of the seamounts reveal unanticipated geological complexity in the formation of these volcanoes. The results show that current models of oceanic island formation need improvement to better reflect the complexity of volcano-sedimentary processes that occur in deep to shallow marine conditions during the evolution of intraplate ocean volcanoes. This talk is also a testimony to the scientific value of drilling the ocean floor at a time of major reduction in the scope of international oceanic drilling.







